2020-09-25 16:30

page's view : 94

Spirit is the freedom, is the free being within us. It is detached. It cannot be killed. It cannot be blown away. It cannot be burnt away. It is eternal. "Anand".

Joy is different from happiness and unhappiness. Ego, when it feels pampered, it feels happy. I like it, I like it. This “I” business is ego pampering that is no joy. Because you like to drink today and tomorrow you don’t like to have a headache. It has the double side of I like, and I don’t like. You like something through your ego, dislike through your super ego. So, it is a one coin and there are two faces, one is happiness, and another is unhappiness. Joy is beyond that

Sahaja Yoga Foundation of Thailand is not-for-profit and dedicated to promote self-development and self-realization through Sahaja Yoga meditation. It aims to promote social harmony and the blossoming of practitioners’ potential, nurturing the fundamental values of innocence, empathy and compassion.